Idea #8: Your Pain, Your Gain

One Grand Adventure: East Race South Bend, IN The path of least resistance. You’ve faced it down before and chosen that path. The easy way. The short cut. Easy Street has been called many names. I don’t think anyone can honestly admit that they’ve gone full tilt into adversity or challenge 100% every time it’s... Continue Reading →

Put Me In COACH!

Photo by Pixabay on Coaching is incredibly hard. It's not telling people what to do and when to do it. There is guidance and influence that comes into play a bit. But no business or team or community that's being led is better than the output of the teams within them. Coaches create the... Continue Reading →

UP Your Game

You know what comes with success? FUN! A lot of it! And I don’t mean the kind of fun that most would think like materialistic fun. But, people fun. The journey is fun. Anytime you can live life to the fullest including at work or during your hardest stretches, your game is right where it... Continue Reading →

Hyper Learning

Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Hard skills are not easy. They become easier by dipping your toe in the water and learning as much as you can. I find the more I do 7 Point Saturday and spend time every week at least for an hour, learning something new, I've ended up needing what... Continue Reading →

Fully Engaged, But Distracted

Photo by Leo Cardelli on You at your full potential? I think we can always do better. This is at the heart of my own personal belief in myself. To always be better. That there's always this little bit more I can aspire to. I learned by not squeezing more into the 24 hours... Continue Reading →

Inner Excellence

Photo by Donald Tong on When I run for distances it's not good enough for me to be fit. I need my mind to be at its fittest too. It takes a great awareness to understand where you're at mentally to match up with the physical to be a great runner. To me the... Continue Reading →

The Unlock

A Farm In Kentucky I’m always searching for it. Even when I’m sure I already have it. For me it’s about the infinite game when it comes to what I can learn about my potential, not a finite one. This space here on IBtP is the output of that and holds me accountable to learning... Continue Reading →

Bring On the Discomfort

Are you listening to yourself? You are if you feel discomfort in the face of adversity. That discomfort is telling you you’re growing and it’s making you a better listener. Listening isn’t always with our ears. It can be with our head, heart, and gut. Adopting some new perspectives during the push is hard. Especially... Continue Reading →

Be An Asker

My best teachable and learning times have been when I have practiced asking instead of telling in my connections with people. However, easy said than done. When you get that call that puts your back against the wall, it's hard to ask and not get defensive when you flip into tell mode. It can mean... Continue Reading →

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