Idea #11: Why Pursue It?

Think about this. Every sunset or sunrise we see, it’s the only time we will ever see it again. Everyone of them is unique. Don’t miss out. “So, concerning the things we pursue, and for which we vigorously exert ourselves, we owe this consideration-either there is nothing useful in them, or most aren’t useful.” -... Continue Reading →

Idea #9: What’s Better?

To be inspired or aspire? I have been stuck with this in my head for a while now. Is it being inspired that gets you there or is it aspiring that gets you there? I feel like inspirational thoughts are good in of themselves they give you a space to create your intention or purpose.... Continue Reading →

Idea #8: Your Pain, Your Gain

One Grand Adventure: East Race South Bend, IN The path of least resistance. You’ve faced it down before and chosen that path. The easy way. The short cut. Easy Street has been called many names. I don’t think anyone can honestly admit that they’ve gone full tilt into adversity or challenge 100% every time it’s... Continue Reading →

Idea #7: My Best?

Masters. 1st Place. 48. Still Got It. What about when I don’t? The questions we ask ourselves, after we’ve been through the grinder. Those are the most important ones to ask ourselves. Did we do that? Did we bring it? Or, did we not. Just hesitated, sided with our human side or anxiety or procrastination?... Continue Reading →

Idea #6: TNS

Lots of steps… I’m going to need to pick up the pace if I ever want to get 1,000 ideas out there in 3 years. Which with the current pace is about what I am looking at. Today’s a pretty simple one though. TNS. Tiny. Next. Step. Many of our ideas fail because we have... Continue Reading →

Idea #4: Write to Your Younger Self

Photo by Bess Hamiti on Can you go back in time to correct past mistakes? No. But, you can still learn from them. Today's idea, is simple. Sit for a 5-15 minutes and write a letter to your younger self. Only by looking backwards can we connect the dots. What is in that time... Continue Reading →

1000 Ideas: Idea 1 Power of the Pause

Thank you for joining me on this journey that will more than likely have me taking the better part of three years to complete. I am taking a journey of sharing the coolest 1000 ideas that I come across here. They won’t be everyday. I won’t be using the same media to post. They won’t... Continue Reading →

1,000 Ideas

I wanted to try something. I believe that it will help me as much as it could help you. It will focus on what we can learn about something we didn’t know, short in length. A 1,000 ideas is my goal to deliver over the next few years, little snippets of things I found useful,... Continue Reading →

Quote Roulette: Ryan Holiday

Perspective. It’s calming. It’s a catalyst at times. Seeking out as many different perspectives as we can, lends some incredible ways to find our way through just about anything. Any obstacle. This one from Ryan Holiday is one I would put on my wall where I would see it the most. It’s a cold reminder... Continue Reading →

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